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Remote Education
Overview of platforms and content
Remote Learning is delivered via TWHS Google Classroom page whereby online resources from Doddle, SENECA, The Oak Academy etc. are populated with weekly instructions. A full, parallel curriculum offer has been mapped in each subject area and work in line with face-to-face lessons is set via Google Classroom (GC). GC is organised via whole year remote learning pages. This mitigates lost learning time and supports transition back into the classroom environment.
Remote Education is the responsibility of curriculum leaders.
What is taught to the students at home and how can we help with access?
TWHS does currently meet the statutory guidelines for remote learning should we be inspected. They are as follows:
- 25 hours of remote learning per week: we expect parents and carers to support with this process
- This must be set within 24 hours of a student being off (which takes time so we set work weekly and they can access immediately)
- Video clips and clear instructions for tasks should be used – you do not have to make these yourself and can use pre-created materials
- We will track engagement and this will be communicated via a half termly report or if issues are found, contact will be made via form tutors
- If students do not have ICT access, paper work packs can be posted home upon request
- If students wish, ICT and internet access can be organised by school upon request
- Due to teaching time in school, live lessons are not currently offered
Subject breakdowns

For support with ICT/devices and resources: DMcGrath@whitbyhs.cheshire.sch.uk
For general support and advice with accessing Google Classrooms: DWalton@whitbyhs.cheshire.sch.uk
For support for those students with particular needs: JSDavies@whitbyhs.cheshire.sch.uk