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Expectations of student behaviour
The school has high expectations of student behaviour and conduct. Every student has a summary of the school policy in their planner and the full ‘Positive Relations Policy’ can be found on here. The overall aim of the school policy is to ensure consistency and fairness across the school.
There is a ‘consequence’ system used in lessons in the school which is displayed in every classroom. The idea is that students are given chances to correct their behaviour, but if they don’t, a staged system is used which will ultimately lead to them being removed from the lesson by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Students also effectively lose points when they misbehave and these are deducted from their Achievement Points.
Should a student cause concerns in school, he/she will be placed on ‘report’, in order to monitor progress and behaviour. There are a number of different stages to this system:
- Subject report-
this will be used if a student is causing concerns in a particular subject or subject area (for example, across Humanities subjects) - Uniform report
- Punctuality report
Stage 1
General concern report (across different subject areas) for between 2 and 6 weeks.
Stage 2
Should a student not improve on Stage 1, he/she will be moved onto Stage 2 for between 2 and 8 weeks. A student who is excluded from school will automatically go onto this stage.
Stage 3
This is a Senior Leadership Team (SLT) report and students will be placed on this if the House Progress Manager feels satisfactory progress is not being made on Stage 2. This will be for a period of 4 weeks.
Stage 4
Should a student still not improve, or if he/she is causing major concerns in school, an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) will be drawn up. This involves a number of key staff and Parents/Carers. The IBP will be reviewed regularly, amended as necessary and copies sent home.
For a small number of students, who find mainstream schooling very difficult, alternative provision will be sought before taking the step of permanent exclusion.
From Stage 3 onwards, students may be placed on a ‘Behaviour Contract’. This lays out a clear set of expectations and sanctions if the contract is broken.
Students receive an ‘Attitude to Learning’ (ATL) score for every lesson. This is on a 1-
Detentions are issued for a variety of reasons. These are recorded in the student planner and MUST be signed by the parent/carer. For afterschool detentions of more than 30 minutes in length, the school will give 24 hours’ notice. Once the detention is issued, it is the student’s responsibility to inform parents/carers. We do reserve the right to keep students for up to 30 minutes after school if they are late or have been involved in misbehaviour.
It is vital that parents/carers support the school over disciplinary matters. Should you have a concern about a detention, please contact the member of staff issuing it to discuss the matter.
Please Note: Notification of a detention is to inform you about it, not to seek approval. The school’s decision on the matter will be final.