
Pace Pledges

We use our own PACE Pledge system as part of The Whitby Way to recognise and reward students in challenges that help to develop character and give opportunities to volunteer and develop leadership skills over all three Key Stages. Students are expected to complete PACE Pledges during the course of their time at The Whitby High School. At times throughout the school year we will offer Pledge Days which will have activities organised by staff and students to support the achieving the challenges. 

We PREPARE students for the future, developing students’ confidence in their abilities, helping them to make good decisions, and training them to be responsible young adults.

We support all to ACHIEVE their best through demonstrating resilience in lessons and daily life. To be ambitious in their expectations of themselves and others and flourish regardless of ability, ethnicity or gender.

We teach students to CARE for themselves, others and the environment, through mutual respect for all; showing strong moral purpose, kindness and following The Whitby Way.

We hope students ENJOY their education and all the joy it can bring by participating in school life, achieving their Character PACE Pledges and having pride in being a Whitby student.

These PACE Pledges are modelled on the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, which our students have participated in very successfully for a number of years. It models the award, in that each student is expected to complete at least one pledge in every Bronze section by the end of Year 9 and Silver section by the end of Year 13, Gold maybe accomplished before Sixth Form but if not, we expect our Sixth Formers to embrace and complete Gold Pledges, being role models and leaders of the school. Some students may progress more quickly to Gold and this will be presented to each successful student at our annual award ceremony.

Achieve Excellence Pioneer Pledge

Our Achieve Excellence Pioneer pledge is an optional challenge for students who want to really push themselves to develop their skills. Students can earn their Pioneer Pledge points by completing half-termly presentations on a chosen topic, which they explore throughout the 6 weeks. Students track the hours they spend on their projects, and these hours count towards their pledges. These hours include after-school sessions from 3:20-4:20 in the library and any independent research or group meetings they have which will count towards their overall pledge. Students successfully complete their pledge when they present their projects at the end of the half term. Students in Years 10 and 11 will have the opportunity in Term 3 to apply their research and presentation skills to earning a Level 2 EPQ, worth half a GCSE. The Pioneer Pledge is open to all Year 7-11 students. Our Able and Ambitious students will be specifically invited, but all form tutors and teachers will ensure all students are welcomed

The PACE Pledge system aims to encourage and support many important qualities such as leadership, citizenship, moral purpose, sense of community and collective responsibility. We engage with external agencies, businesses and social action projects. Many of the pledges’ criteria embody the British Values of; Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance

To ensure all students gain the award they will be supported through school activities and tutor discussion, but the onus is on the student to ensure all sections of the pledges are complete. Parents will be made aware of all progress through the regular written reporting cycle.

Each pledge has an activity that students can do either in or out of school and Form Tutors will be the person to ensure that each pledge is recorded. We welcome parents to engage in the pledges, celebrate and share success and give us feedback on what kind of pledges or programmes we can run to support our students.