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Mental Health & Wellbeing
At The Whitby High School, we aim to support each student with their emotional health and wellbeing. This includes promoting positive mental health. As a staff body we approach this in various ways, including through our pastoral support system, tutorial programmes and PSHCE lessons. We know the benefits of positive mental health and research has shown that children and young people with good mental health:
- Do better at school
- Develop good relationships with friends and family
- Learn and play appropriately for their age and understanding
- Develop a sense of right and wrong. Learn from their experiences. Have the confidence to try new things
- Develop resilience to face life challenges
A child with good mental health when they’re young is much more likely to have good mental health as an adult
For any student who may be experiencing poor mental health we have pastoral staff who are available to listen, offer advice, mentor or signpost parents/students to agencies who can offer guidance.
If you are in any way concerned for your child and would like more information, please see the sections specifically relating to those conditions most common to secondary school aged children and young adults. You will find information on the condition, what signs to look out for at home and links to agencies offering support.
It’s common amongst young people to feel pressured to experiment with drugs and alcohol, even though you don’t want to.
It might not be clear what to do, or who can help. So we’ve teamed up with UK Addiction Treatment Centres (UKAT) so that they can provide our students with expert advice and support.
We want all students at The Whitby High School to feel happy, healthy and safe. If you ever need support and want to talk to someone, please know that our doors are always open.
Helpful Resources
School Drop In
Year 7 & 8 – Wellbeing Drop-in (Interview Room on D Corridor) MONDAY – 1:20pm
Year 9 – 11 – Wellbeing Drop-in (Interview Room opposite Sycamore toilets) MONDAY – 1:20pm
Rainbow – LGBT+ Club – WEDNESDAY Lunchtime in H3