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Erasmus+ Project
Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. It runs for seven years, from 2014 to 2020, with organisations invited to apply for funding each year to undertake creative and worthwhile activities.
Erasmus+ aims to modernise education, training and youth work across Europe. It is open to education, training, youth and sport organisations across all sectors of lifelong learning, including school education, further and higher education, adult education and the youth sector. It offers exciting opportunities for UK participants to then study, work, volunteer, teach and train abroad in Europe.
The Whitby High School has been successful in applying for funding from the British Council to take part in an ERASMUS+ Project with schools from the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Germany and Spain. Six Year 9 students will visit each of the four countries and work on a project about Social Media and Education, highlighting the threats and opportunities that social media can bring. The visits will provide our students with a chance to compare how social media is used as a teaching and learning tool in different countries and schools as well as gaining an insight into different cultures.
The first visit took place in Jaén, Spain in November 2015 and was a huge success. Our students stayed with host families and really embraced the Spanish Culture enjoying Spanish food like paella and tapas and adjusting to very early starts to the days, late evenings and siestas. In school, our students learnt about the history of social media and the internet and looked at cyberbullying, the misuse of social media and how to keep themselves safe. They also visited several places of cultural interest including Jaén Cathedral, the Alhambra, Granada and the Catillo de Banos de la Encina, a Spanish Fortress. The week culminated in an exhibition of all their work and an International Presentation Evening.
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